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A project with a focus on planting trees and real world impact.

A woman led limited 333 1/1 art series connecting a close knit family of changemakers, COLOURCODED seeks those who want to make it a priority to GIVE BACK.







10% of profits will always be donated to treesisters with a goal of planting 1000's of trees & give back to the planet by building a forest to offset some of the ecological weight of the blockchain.

The project is divided into three stages, at the end of each stage another % of profits will be spent on what the community decides:


*Projects and artists doing good in the web3 community

*Returned back to the holders to use at their own discretion to support individual communities.

We want our early holders to be rewarded.

First third of mandalas will be at 0.1eth (matic) and then will be increased, along with the % donated.
Audio Visual Mandalas will be rare and priced accordingly.

Each "Planter" tells a story...

The original photos used for these mandalas are taken whilst on walks, connecting with our home; the Earth. I feel they capture the essence of their (the plant's) vibration, kind of like if you look up what a sound looks like, you get these gorgeous geometric like images. I try to communicate to you what I see when I pass each plant, flower and much more than green, there is a unique "being" there, that has it's own way of communicating, of living.


Each "Planter" makes a world of difference to the future...

Treesisters are an established foundation that do amazing work to restore our planet. They take what they get and run with it (each time I check there's almost been another MILLION trees planted), they empower communities and encourage women to use their gifts and talents to create change! I am forever amazed at what they've achieved, their ethics and values, if you take a moment I'm sure you will be too.


Each "Planter" energizes and connects you...

Living in such a tech heavy world, it is important to recognise where we are, who really provides and supports us, and gives us the platform to do all we do. The visual of plants is grounding and by bringing them into the blockchain where a lot of art is digital, my dream for these mandalas is to activate an inner remembrance of our true nature, and encourage the viewer to recognise their inner being and connections to all that we are, have been, and have the potential to be.


© 2022 by Madame love. Proudly created with

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